06.22.21: The Miss CA 2021 Competition - Preliminary #1 - MISS. Venue: DoubleTree Hilton -Fresno, CA CA.
Preliminary Award Winners: EVENING WEAR - Raena Ramirez (Garden Grove); TALENT - Katie Tessier (Marin County).
Competition Events: Talent, Evening Wear, On-Stage Question. Images are in order by MISS contestant order. Selected images will be displayed in the competition phase order.
2021 MISS Candidates (Group A): Elizabeth Sartuche (Orange County), Monica Waldau (Strawberry Grove), Madison Coryell (Canyon Hills), Jocelyn Garcia (Anaheim), Makana Williams (Culver City), Lauren Herring (Fresno Co), Emily Grimmius (San Joaquin Co), Bella Vino (San Bernardino Co), Kimberly Vernon (Santa Clara Co), Laura Price (Tustin), Lilah Haye (Yorba Linda), Katie Tessier (Marin Co), Kara Duran (Clovis), Raena Ramirez (Garden Grove), Bria Williams (Anaheim Hills), Imani Wheeler (Sacramento Co)
Thank you for your patience and personal support!
Katie Tessier, Eileen Kim (Miss CA 2020), Raena Ramirez
Katie Tessier, Eileen Kim (Miss CA 2020), Bella Mills (MCOT) Raena Ramirez
TALENT Award - Katie Tessier (Marin Co)
EVENING WEAR Award - Raena Ramirez (Garden Grove)
Katie Tessier, Eileen Kim (Miss CA 2020), Raena Ramirez
Katie Tessier, Eileen Kim (Miss CA 2020), Raena Ramirez
EVENING WEAR Award - Raena Ramirez (Garden Grove)
Raena Ramirez (Miss Garden Grove 2020)
TALENT Award - Katie Tessier (Marin Co)
Katie Tessier (Miss Marin Co 2020)
Katie Tessier, Eileen Kim (Miss CA 2020), Raena Ramirez
Raena Ramirez, Katie Tessier
Katie Tessier (Miss Marin Co 2020)
Katie Tessier (Miss Marin Co 2020)
Raena Ramirez (Miss Garden Grove 2020)
Raena Ramirez (Miss Garden Grove 2020)
Bella Mills (Miss CAOT 2020) and TEEN 2021 candidates
Dana Harrison, Hannah Hilyard, Jenna Holt, Cristina Bequer
© Doug Hikawa Productions